Southwest Horizon Ranch
…because housing is hope
Housing Solutions developed Southwest Horizon Ranch in 1999. It is a 61 unit housing development, consisting of two and three-bedroom single-family rental homes. Rent is based on household size and income. For more information, contact Southwest Horizon Ranch at 970-385-7932
More info coming soon.
Get Involved
Most of us have feelings of hope and wellbeing in our homes. In fact, these are feelings that many of us take for granted every day. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to offer that to those without?
Enter Housing Solutions of the Southwest, a supportive housing community, providing housing for people with low incomes, exiting homelessness, and living with a disabling condition. By donating to the Housing Solutions of the SW, you are not just funding services and furnishings, but a second chance for a home.

Looking for a way to contribute to your community and help combat homelessness?
We need the help!