Housing Counseling
We assist with:
Money management
Resolving issues impacting tenancy and ability to obtain housing
Reverse Mortgage counseling
Search for affordable housing & referrals
Fair housing issues and referrals
Homeless services referrals
Information on local subsidized housing programs and how and where to apply
Homeless Prevention
This program is designed to target those families and individuals who are at the greatest risk of becoming homeless. By working with a case manager approved households may qualify for financial assistance (when funding is available), and counseling, navigation, or case management support to help participants maintain housing stability.
Housing Solutions requires all participants to undergo an assessment that will determine their family’s eligibility. Eligible families will work one on one with our staff to determine the best stabilizing plan for each household.
How will this program help me?
Rental or Utility Assistance (as funding is available)
Budget Counseling and Housing Search Assistance; Linkages with housing programs under Housing Solutions Roof
Call our office at 970-259-1086 for more information about Housing Counseling and Homeless Prevention programs.